
Laboratorio computazionale di scambio termico e Fondamenti di macchine

Models and scenarios for energy planning

Nuclear engineering lab and advanced heat transfer problems

Global energy trends and outlook

Bachelor's degree

Master's degree

Master's degree

PhD hard skills

  • Mandatory for students of Energetics
  • Introduction to computational heat transfer: implementation of lumped, 1D, and 2D thermal models, and 1D advection model in MATLAB
  • Finite differences and different time discretization schemes
  • Free choice credit course
  • Modeling of the dynamics of energy systems and markets at different spatial scales and on medium-long terms under a complex set of constraints
  • Group project on macro-scale energy system modeling using the TEMOA framework
  • Mandatory for Nuclear Engineering students
  • Basic theoretical knowledge and some practical skills in the experimental measurements, design optimization for nuclear components due to high heat fluxes, with reference to the active cooling by fluids in single-phase and superconducting cable performances
  • Design and optimization project in COMSOL Multiphysics and STAR CCM+
  • Hard skills course for the Energetics PhD programme
  • Overview of the global energy trends to understand and possibly build future energy scenarios
  • Written report presentation