Development of a novEl Tube - bundle-CaviTy lInear receiVEr for CSP applications

In the line with EU energy transition framework, the Development of a novEl Tube-bundlE-CaviTy lInear receiVEr aims to develop a novel and concrete solution to enhance the current efficiency of linear absorbers used in concentrated solar thermal (CST) plants in Europe, supplying renewable electricity or process heat to the EU nations. The project will focus on linear cavity concepts, adapted to conventional CST systems through a bundle of pipes receiving solar radiation, where the slightly higher manufacturing cost would be compensated by increased optical efficiency. The DETECTIVE project will be carried out based on a rational development pathway, including modeling, manufacturing, and testing of prototypes, and economic analysis for a fast go-to-market strategy. A set of alternative designs will be first studied to choose the best for the manufacturing of prototypes on a commercial scale. Then in-field tests will be carried out to evaluate the performance of the absorber in a real-scale facility. In parallel, a cost model will be developed to analyze the benefits of the new absorber for power/process heat production, considering financial analysis at the installation, operation, and maintenance stages. The environmental effects and sustainability of the new receiver will be assessed using LCA models. Finally, in collaboration with the industrial partner, a set of go-to-market strategies will be identified to complete the technology development to commercialization.


Politecnico di Torino


Absolicon Solar Collector AB


Plataforma Solar de Almería 


KTH - Royal Institute of Technology